When you install a plug-in from AutoCAD App Exchange Store, sometime the Add-ins, or Plug-ins ribbon doesn't show. These step by step instructions might help you.
Step 1
Normally, plug-ins app will be loaded at AutoCAD start up. If not, please check APPAUTOLOAD value which should be 14. Then run APPAUTOLOADER command to reload all plug-ins. Or sometime, you must restart AutoCAD to let new settings take effects.
Step 2
If you cannot find your Plug-ins tab, right click on any ribbon to show popup menu and make sure in Show Tabs > Plug-ins tab is ticked.
Step 3
If in step 2, you cannot find Plug-ins tab in the popup menu, go to step 4.
If Plug-ins tab is there, but you still cannot find your plug-in’s ribbon panel on it, then try these following:
Run CUILOAD command. If the plug-in is already there in the Loaded Customization Group, unload it. Return to Step 1, run APPAUTOLOADER > Reload.
If the plug-in is not in the listed, may be it is not properly design, or it is design to be loaded the different way. It is time you should contact the developer for support.
Step 4 **** - This step required only if you cannot find Add-ins or Plug-ins tab anywhere in your Work Space.
Another issue might happens in this case that suddenly all your installed plug-ins appear not in 1 row, but each has 1 ribbon tab of itself, like this screenshot:
This required you to unload all plugins (Step 3) then open CUI manager to enabled the official Plug-ins tab loaded.
1. Run CUI command
2. Run Customize Workspace
3. Tick on Plug-ins in Ribbon - Tabs list, then click Apply, and OK.
4. Make sure the properties of Plug-ins tab are:
+ Default Display = Add to Workspace
+ Workspace Behaviour = Merge or Add tab
+ Aliases = ID_ADDINSTAB
5. Finally
Click OK to close the CUI window. Double check Step 3 to be done unload all plug-ins cuix. Now you go back to Step 1, run APPAUTOLOADER > Reload command (or just close and reopen AutoCAD).
Successfully, your final Add-ins, or Plug-ins tab will appear properly with all plug-ins panel merge in 1 row, like this: